The Perfect Guide To Clearblue Fertility Monitor

The little hand held Clearblue Fertility Monitor is designed to help you control your month-to-month menstrual cycle, gather hormonal biological samples by utilising Clear blue Easy Fertility Test Sticks, examining the data, and then display the results on its easy to read display screen. The daily results indicate exactly how fertile you are over the subsequent twenty four hours, enabling you to decide if it is the correct time to try and get pregnant.

Clearblue fertility monitor

How Does The Clearblue Fertility Monitor Perform?

The power of the Clearblue Fertility Monitor arises from being able to track two specific bodily hormones connected with your upcoming ovulation. By simply sensing the small incremental variations in these hormonal levels, the device will accurately predict where you are in your menstruating cycle.

It will reliably predict as much as 6 days before ovulation, when you are in your “Peak” fertile phase and at essentially the most advantageous time for you to get pregnant. Additionally, it is able to calculate the 5 prior days when you are at the “High” fertile stage and might possibly conceive. With this information provided to you daily, you’ll have control in determining when it is right to get pregnant.

Just how do I Utilise the Clearblue Fertility Monitor?

Your Clearblue Fertility Monitor program is a two part approach which requires the use of Clearblue Fertility Test Sticks. Once you wake up each morning, merely turn the device on. The monitor will display just what day of the cycle you are on. Certain days prior to ovulation you will be directed to simply remove the wrapper from one of the test sticks and then urinate on it till soaked (about three to five seconds). After this you go ahead and take stick then place the wet end into the computer monitor.

Within several minutes, after the unit has then analysed the collect data from the stick, the results are shown on the display. Should it show 1 bar, that’ll signify that you’re in a low-level of fertility and in all likelihood cannot conceive. If 2 bars are displayed, that indicates that you are presently in your high level of fertility and it’s possible to conceive. When 3 bars are displayed you know that you are at your peak level, or at the phase that has the highest chance of becoming pregnant.


  1. Simple to use
  2. Accuracy rate of 99%
  3. Takes less than ten minutes each morning
  4. Non-invasive
  5. Safe to use.
  6. Can be used even if ones cycle continues up to about six weeks


  1. Up front cost of the monitor is high
  2. Must buy addition refill test sticks

In Summary

The Clearblue Fertility Monitor has been demonstrated to be 99 percent accurate in detecting the LH surge in cycles where an LH surge was also detected by a reference method in laboratory testing.Your Clearblue Fertility Monitor system provides you with a day-to-day prediction of how fertile you will be over the next twenty four hours.

Using this easy to use program requires only that on several days you need to urinate on a test stick, place it into the monitor and watch for results. The easy to understand display will indicate exactly where you are in your own cycle and exactly what days will be the most ideal to conceive.You can test for pregnancy from 3 days before your period is due.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do fertility monitors work?

The easy to understand display will indicate exactly where you are in your own cycle and exactly what days will be the most ideal to conceive.

How accurate is Clearblue Fertility Monitor?

The Clearblue Fertility Monitor has been demonstrated to be 99 percent accurate in detecting the LH surge in cycles.

How early can Clearblue monitor detect pregnancy?

You can test for pregnancy from 3 days before your period is due.

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